People of Marginalized Genders & Sexualities Reclaiming, Affirming, Nurturing, and Teaching Each Other

P.M.GRAN.TE is an RSN project entering its second year providing events & resources focusing on community-based wellness and mutual aid for People of Marginalized Genders locally in Pueblo, CO. We offer an ongoing free resource closet stocked with women’s clothing, hygiene items, and sexual/reproductive health supplies out of the Creepi Space Studio at The Ethos 615 E Mesa Ave. We also set up at The Ethos weekly for drop ins with snacks, free STI testing, and wellness activities Wednesdays from 1-3:30pm.

While our services are not SW exclusive, our team’s 3 primary peer leads are current /former SWs and our events are explicitly intended to be safe places for gender marginalized people who are experiencing houselessness/housing instability, criminal legal system involvement, poverty, racism, substance use, and recovery from domestic/sexual violence who often have a heavy crossover with those who have some experience of survival trading and share similar stigma and vulnerability to criminalization and violence as many SWs even if they don’t identify as more formal workers within the industry.

We partner closely with the Lysistrata Co-op to offer emergency fund referrals and access to online stipend activities that local street based members sometimes struggle with having the tech to participate in, the El Movimiento Sigue Transforming Justice project working to lower the incarceration rate in Pueblo County, the Vivent Health Pueblo Prevention team to provide free STI testing and safer sex supplies for our drop in events, Haus Muerte for fundraising events, and are additionally members of the Hells Bells Southwest Healing Collective.

Follow or contact us here: IG/FB @p.m.gran.te TW @p_m_gran_te

Email p.m.gran.te@gmail.com Text 719-888-7614